Getting Started

This section covers how to get started writing GPU crates with cuda_std and cuda_builder.

Required Libraries

Before you can use the project to write GPU crates, you will need a couple of prerequisites:

  • The CUDA SDK, version 11.2-11.8 (and the appropriate driver - see cuda release notes) . This is only for building GPU crates, to execute built PTX you only need CUDA 9+.

  • LLVM 7.x (7.0 to 7.4), The codegen searches multiple places for LLVM:

    • If LLVM_CONFIG is present, it will use that path as llvm-config.
    • Or, if llvm-config is present as a binary, it will use that, assuming that llvm-config --version returns 7.x.x.
    • Finally, if neither are present or unusable, it will attempt to download and use prebuilt LLVM. This currently only works on Windows however.
  • The OptiX SDK if using the optix library (the pathtracer example uses it for denoising).

  • You may also need to add libnvvm to PATH, the builder should do it for you but in case it does not work, add libnvvm to PATH, it should be somewhere like CUDA_ROOT/nvvm/bin,

  • You may wish to use or consult the bundled Dockerfile to assist in your local config


Currently, the Codegen only works on nightly (because it uses rustc internals), and it only works on a specific version of nightly. This is why you must copy the rust-toolchain file in the project repository to your own project. This will ensure you are on the correct nightly version so the codegen builds.

Only the codegen requires nightly, cust and other CPU-side libraries work perfectly fine on stable.


Now we can actually get started creating our GPU crate 🎉

Start by making a normal crate as you normally would, manually or with cargo init: cargo init name --lib.

After this, we just need to add a couple of things to our Cargo.toml:

name = "name"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

+crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]

+cuda_std = "XX"

Where XX is the latest version of cuda_std.

We changed our crate's crate types to cdylib and rlib. We specified cdylib because the nvptx targets do not support binary crate types. rlib is so that we will be able to use the crate as a dependency, such as if we would like to use it on the CPU.

Before we can write any GPU kernels, we must add a few directives to our which are required by the codegen:

    target_os = "cuda",

use cuda_std::*;

This does a couple of things:

  • It only applies the attributes if we are compiling the crate for the GPU (target_os = "cuda").
  • It declares the crate to be no_std on CUDA targets.
  • It registers a special attribute required by the codegen for things like figuring out what functions are GPU kernels.
  • It explicitly includes kernel macro and thread

If you would like to use alloc or things like printing from GPU kernels (which requires alloc) then you need to declare alloc too:

extern crate alloc;

Finally, if you would like to use types such as slices or arrays inside of GPU kernels you must allow improper_cytypes_definitions either on the whole crate or the individual GPU kernels. This is because on the CPU, such types are not guaranteed to be passed a certain way, so they should not be used in extern "C" functions (which is what kernels are implicitly declared as). However, rustc_codegen_nvvm guarantees the way in which things like structs, slices, and arrays are passed. See Kernel ABI.


Writing our first GPU kernel

Now we can finally start writing an actual GPU kernel.

Expand this section if you are not familiar with how GPU-side CUDA works

Firstly, we must explain a couple of things about GPU kernels, specifically, how they are executed. GPU Kernels (functions) are the entry point for executing anything on the GPU, they are the functions which will be executed from the CPU. GPU kernels do not return anything, they write their data to buffers passed into them.

CUDA's execution model is very very complex and it is unrealistic to explain all of it in this section, but the TLDR of it is that CUDA will execute the GPU kernel once on every thread, with the number of threads being decided by the caller (the CPU).

We call these parameters the launch dimensions of the kernel. Launch dimensions are split up into two basic concepts:

  • Threads, a single thread executes the GPU kernel once, and it makes the index of itself available to the kernel through special registers (functions in our case).
  • Blocks, Blocks house multiple threads that they execute on their own. Thread indices are only unique across the thread's block, therefore CUDA also exposes the index of the current block.

One important thing to note is that block and thread dimensions may be 1d, 2d, or 3d. That is to say, i can launch 1 block of 6x6x6, 6x6, or 6 threads. I could also launch 5x5x5 blocks. This is very useful for 2d/3d applications because it makes the 2d/3d index calculations much simpler. CUDA exposes thread and block indices for each dimension through special registers. We expose thread index queries through cuda_std::thread.

Now that we know how GPU functions work, let's write a simple kernel. We will write a kernel which does [1, 2, 3, 4] + [1, 2, 3, 4] = [2, 4, 6, 8]. We will use a 1-dimensional index and use the cuda_std::thread::index_1d utility method to calculate a globally-unique thread index for us (this index is only unique if the kernel was launched with a 1d launch config!).

pub unsafe fn add(a: &[f32], b: &[f32], c: *mut f32) {
    let idx = thread::index_1d() as usize;
    if idx < a.len() {
        let elem = &mut *c.add(idx);
        *elem = a[idx] + b[idx];

If you have used CUDA C++ before, this should seem fairly familiar, with a few oddities:

  • Kernel functions must be unsafe currently, this is because the semantics of Rust safety on the GPU are still very much undecided. This restriction will probably be removed in the future.
  • We use *mut f32 and not &mut [f32]. This is because using &mut in function arguments is unsound. The reason being that rustc assumes &mut does not alias. However, because every thread gets a copy of the arguments, this would cause it to alias, thereby violating this invariant and yielding technically unsound code. Pointers do not have such an invariant on the other hand. Therefore, we use a pointer and only make a mutable reference once we are sure the elements are disjoint: let elem = &mut *c.add(idx);.
  • We check that the index is not out of bounds before doing anything, this is because it is common to launch kernels with thread amounts that are not exactly divisible by the length for optimization.

Internally what this does is it first checks that a couple of things are right in the kernel:

  • All parameters are Copy.
  • The function is unsafe.
  • The function does not return anything.

Then it declares this kernel to the codegen so that the codegen can tell CUDA this is a GPU kernel. It also applies #[no_mangle] so the name of the kernel is the same as it is declared in the code.

Building the GPU crate

Now that you have some kernels defined in a crate, you can build them easily using cuda_builder. cuda_builder is a helper crate similar to spirv_builder (if you have used rust-gpu before), it builds GPU crates while passing everything needed by rustc.

To use it you can simply add it as a build dependency in your CPU crate (the crate running the GPU kernels):

+cuda_builder = "XX"

Where XX is the current version of cuda_builder.

Then, you can simply invoke it in the of your CPU crate:

use cuda_builder::CudaBuilder;

fn main() {

The first argument is the path to the root of the GPU crate you are trying to build, which would probably be ../name in our case. The second function .copy_to(path) tells the builder to copy the built PTX file somewhere. By default the builder puts the PTX file inside of target/cuda-builder/nvptx64-nvidia-cuda/release/crate_name.ptx, but it is usually helpful to copy it to another path, which is what such method does. Finally, build() actually runs rustc to compile the crate. This may take a while since it needs to build things like core from scratch, but after the first compile, incremental will make it much faster.

Finally, you can include the PTX as a static string in your program:

static PTX: &str = include_str!("some/path.ptx");

Then execute it using cust.

Don't forget to include the current rust-toolchain in the top of your project:

# If you see this, run `rustup self update` to get rustup 1.23 or newer.

# NOTE: above comment is for older `rustup` (before TOML support was added),
# which will treat the first line as the toolchain name, and therefore show it
# to the user in the error, instead of "error: invalid channel name '[toolchain]'".

channel = "nightly-2021-12-04"
components = ["rust-src", "rustc-dev", "llvm-tools-preview"]


There is also a Dockerfile prepared as a quickstart with all the necessary libraries for base cuda development.

You can use it as follows (assuming your clone of Rust-CUDA is at the absolute path RUST_CUDA):

  • Ensure you have Docker setup to use gpus
  • Build docker build -t rust-cuda $RUST_CUDA
  • Run docker run -it --gpus all -v $RUST_CUDA:/root/rust-cuda --entrypoint /bin/bash rust-cuda
    • Running will drop you into the container's shell and you will find the project at ~/rust-cuda
  • If all is well, you'll be able to cargo run in ~/rust-cuda/examples/cuda/cpu/add


  1. refer to rust-toolchain to ensure you are using the correct toolchain in your project.
  2. despite using Docker, your machine will still need to be running a compatible driver, in this case for Cuda 11.4.1 it is >=470.57.02
  3. if you have issues within the container, it can help to start ensuring your gpu is recognized
    • ensure nvidia-smi provides meaningful output in the container
    • NVidia provides a number of samples In particular, you may want to try makeing and running the deviceQuery sample. If all is well you should see many details about your gpu