
Types! who doesn't love types, especially those that cause libnvvm to randomly segfault or loop forever! Anyways, types are an integral part of the codegen and everything revolves around them and you will see them everywhere.

rustc_codegen_ssa does not actually tell you what your type representation should be, it allows you to decide. For example, rust-gpu represents it as a SpirvType enum, while both cg_llvm and our codegen represent it as opaque llvm types:

type Type = &'ll llvm::Type;

llvm::Type is an opaque type that comes from llvm-c. 'll is one of the main lifetimes you will see throughout the whole codegen, it is used for anything that lasts as long as the current usage of llvm. LLVM gives you back pointers when you ask for a type or value, some time ago cg_llvm fully switched to using references over pointers, and we follow in their footsteps.

One important fact about types is that they are opaque, you cannot take a type and ask "is this X struct?", this is like asking "which chickens were responsible for this omelette?". You can ask if its a number type, a vector type, a void type, etc.

The SSA codegen needs to ask the backend for types for everything it needs to codegen MIR. It does this using a trait called BaseTypeMethods:

pub trait BaseTypeMethods<'tcx>: Backend<'tcx> {
    fn type_i1(&self) -> Self::Type;
    fn type_i8(&self) -> Self::Type;
    fn type_i16(&self) -> Self::Type;
    fn type_i32(&self) -> Self::Type;
    fn type_i64(&self) -> Self::Type;
    fn type_i128(&self) -> Self::Type;
    fn type_isize(&self) -> Self::Type;

    fn type_f32(&self) -> Self::Type;
    fn type_f64(&self) -> Self::Type;

    fn type_func(&self, args: &[Self::Type], ret: Self::Type) -> Self::Type;
    fn type_struct(&self, els: &[Self::Type], packed: bool) -> Self::Type;
    fn type_kind(&self, ty: Self::Type) -> TypeKind;
    fn type_ptr_to(&self, ty: Self::Type) -> Self::Type;
    fn type_ptr_to_ext(&self, ty: Self::Type, address_space: AddressSpace) -> Self::Type;
    fn element_type(&self, ty: Self::Type) -> Self::Type;

    /// Returns the number of elements in `self` if it is a LLVM vector type.
    fn vector_length(&self, ty: Self::Type) -> usize;

    fn float_width(&self, ty: Self::Type) -> usize;

    /// Retrieves the bit width of the integer type `self`.
    fn int_width(&self, ty: Self::Type) -> u64;

    fn val_ty(&self, v: Self::Value) -> Self::Type;

Every codegen implements this some way or another, you can find our implementation in ty.rs. Our implementation is pretty straightforward, LLVM has functions that we link to which get us the types we need:

impl<'ll, 'tcx> BaseTypeMethods<'tcx> for CodegenCx<'ll, 'tcx> {
    fn type_i1(&self) -> &'ll Type {
        unsafe { llvm::LLVMInt1TypeInContext(self.llcx) }

    fn type_i8(&self) -> &'ll Type {
        unsafe { llvm::LLVMInt8TypeInContext(self.llcx) }

    fn type_i16(&self) -> &'ll Type {
        unsafe { llvm::LLVMInt16TypeInContext(self.llcx) }

    fn type_i32(&self) -> &'ll Type {
        unsafe { llvm::LLVMInt32TypeInContext(self.llcx) }

    fn type_i64(&self) -> &'ll Type {
        unsafe { llvm::LLVMInt64TypeInContext(self.llcx) }

    fn type_i128(&self) -> &'ll Type {
        unsafe { llvm::LLVMIntTypeInContext(self.llcx, 128) }

    fn type_isize(&self) -> &'ll Type {

    fn type_f32(&self) -> &'ll Type {
        unsafe { llvm::LLVMFloatTypeInContext(self.llcx) }

    fn type_f64(&self) -> &'ll Type {
        unsafe { llvm::LLVMDoubleTypeInContext(self.llcx) }

    fn type_func(&self, args: &[&'ll Type], ret: &'ll Type) -> &'ll Type {
        unsafe { llvm::LLVMFunctionType(ret, args.as_ptr(), args.len() as c_uint, False) }

// ...

There is also logic for handling ABI types, such as generating aggregate (struct) types